He had a very rich father who gave him a regular allowance, which enabled a luxurious life style, without the distraction of work.

John had read the whole of Proust and announced it was boring. That was not the only thing he had read. In fact he was probably the best read character in Hampstead. His full time occupation was reading, with breaks to prop up the bar in several local pubs; the Roebuck, the Magdella and the George, at various times in the day and the week. He had a very rich father who gave him a regular allowance, which enabled a luxurious life style, without the distraction of work.

 One day he visited his father. They had never got on. On this occasion they quarrelled more bitterly than ever.

“I’ve had enough of you. Why aren’t you building up and running a flourishing business? By your age I had made a million!”

“ And you had lost your sole in the  process.”

“I am cutting you out of my will. In the morning I will go and see my solicitor, and get it sorted out.”

“Great! Now perhaps I will do something worthwhile with my life. So far I have just been idling it away!” John walked out and slammed the door.

His father died in the night.